Add Additional Questions for Activity

If you would like to gather more information from participants, you can create up to 3 extra questions to ask them.

Step 1 - Add questions 

Go to the Activity Page and click on the activity you want to add additional questions. 

Step 2 - Do editing 

 After entering the activity page, click 'Question' and press the pencil below to edit the questions.

Step 3 - Create questions 

After clicking the pencil button, you can create a new question.

You can create a maximum of 3 questions.

"Required" Button: enable it means participants must answer the question in order to register this activity. otherwise, it is optional.

Only Payer: only the one who pay need to answer the question

All participants: everyone has to answer the question

Question Types

Short answer: participants require to type short sentences to answer the questions

Multiple choice: participants require to select ONLY ONE option from multiple options

Checkbox: participants are required to select MULTIPLE options from multiple options.